Keep away from acid reflux by eating the right way.

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Keep away from acid reflux by eating the right way.

As everyone knows that eating behavior is one of the most important factors that cause acid reflux symptoms, which include burning pain, burning sensation, and if this is not enough, it is also the cause of bad breath. So let’s try to explore proper eating habits.

Acid reflux or GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) is a ยูฟ่าเบท condition in which gastric juice flows up into the esophagus. This is caused by stomach acid, causing symptoms that interfere with daily life and may cause complications. such as inflammation of the esophagus.

which acid reflux disease It is a silent danger that affects the body and the main cause of this disease comes from our lifestyle behaviors. This causes the chest and epigastric areas to have sour burps and a bitter taste. And if this is not enough, it also causes bad breath.

Cause of birth GERD

  • Behavior of eating and going to sleep immediately
  • The distal esophagus relaxes. without swallowing food
  • Caused by bacteria or related to genetics
  • Other factors such as obesity, smoking, drinking alcohol, soft drinks, etc.
  • Stress People who are stressed often have an esophagus that is overly sensitive to stimulants. The esophagus is sensitive to acid because when even a little acid reflux occurs, symptoms will show immediately.
  • Abnormalities in the peristalsis of the stomach or esophagus that cause food to remain in the stomach. longer than usual

You should reduce, stop, and quit symptoms that cause acid reflux.

  • After finishing eating You should avoid lying down, exercising, lifting heavy objects, or bending over.
  • You should eat in moderation. You shouldn’t eat too full.
  • You should avoid foods that are prepared by frying, fast food, butter, milk, and oily foods.
  • You should avoid food with strong flavors such as very sour and very spicy.
  • You should avoid certain types of drinks, such as coffee, tea, soft drinks, and drinks mixed with alcohol.
  • You should avoid eating late meals and should not eat any food at least within 3 hours before bedtime.
  • You should avoid foods that cause gas, such as spices and all kinds of nuts, or vegetables with strong odors such as onions, garlic, etc.
  • You should avoid citrus fruits such as oranges and tomatoes.